I have been reflecting upon Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and
how it relates to problems in society today. Many times, our first impression of
someone depends solely on his or her physical appearance, and we become closed
minded without even realizing it. Society has predetermined expectations of how
we should look, and when someone doesn’t fit the criteria, they are often
ostracized. This is what happened to Frankenstein’s monster; he was completely
rejected by both society and his creator because of his looks. In
underprivileged areas of the world, impoverished families often can’t afford
shoes for their children. These kids are considered different to those who are
more fortunate, and sometimes feel left out. Tom’s helps provide clothing and
footwear to these kids so that they don’t have to feel different. By promoting
Tom’s shoes, we also promote equality and treating people with dignity despite
physical appearances.

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    I am a first year student at FGCU studying Social Work. I have a passion for helping people, and I too have struggled with the unrealistic expectations of beauty in society. I hope that through this blog, people will be able to find peace with themselves and with society.


    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

