I had never considered the irony of it before, but this quote is so true. Why is society concerned with unfair advantages in sports but not in everyday life? Many men feel as though superathletes have no place in society because their image is unattainable. In my opinion, the exact same argument can be made for women who are portrayed as flawless. This image is unattainable, and it has caused discontent among millions of women. If society wants its role models in sports to be more 'real', society should strive to have all of its role models look and act like the average human.

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    I am a first year student at FGCU studying Social Work. I have a passion for helping people, and I too have struggled with the unrealistic expectations of beauty in society. I hope that through this blog, people will be able to find peace with themselves and with society.


    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

