This has become one of the most meaningful quotes that I have come across, especially as I deal with the struggle of being considered beautiful in society. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross explains that beauty relies on a number of different factors; it isn't solely determined by physical appearance. I have found this to be true in my perception of beauty with others. When I think of the most beautiful people I know, I see the kind faces of my mother and grandmother. Their strength and compassion has made them so attractive that their physical appearance is simply a reflection of their beautiful personalities. It is important to remember this as we deal with society's standards of beauty, so that we don't forget what makes us truly beautiful

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    I am a first year student at FGCU studying Social Work. I have a passion for helping people, and I too have struggled with the unrealistic expectations of beauty in society. I hope that through this blog, people will be able to find peace with themselves and with society.


    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

