I believe Pop Culture shapes society as we know it. It provides a foundation for behavior that centers around order. People learn from what they see and (whether it is healthy or not) repeat behaviors that seem to have brought others success or happiness. As a Social Work major, I have always been interested in the elements of society that aren't healthy, such as the unrealistic expectations of beauty. I believe that I can help reform these elements so that each individual can truly find success and happiness. I believe it is time to  eliminate any negative thinking that keeps us from reaching our full potential.


    I am a first year student at FGCU studying Social Work. I have a passion for helping people, and I too have struggled with the unrealistic expectations of beauty in society. I hope that through this blog, people will be able to find peace with themselves and with society.


    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

